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Church of Christ At Honolulu
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Welcome to the Honolulu Church of Christ. We have been here in Makiki since 1943 and our purpose as a congregation has always been to glorify
Address1732 Keeaumoku St Honolulu, HI 96822-4338
Phone(808) 536-7952
Welcome to the Honolulu church of Christ. We have been here in Makiki since 1943 and our purpose as a congregation has always been to glorify God in the areas of worship, family, and service. Our mission is to continually share the Love of Jesus Christ among each other and with our neighbors.
We are the closest church of Christ to the Waikiki area (about a 10min drive) but, we are not the only church of Christ on the island.There are 5 other congregations. Please visit ourLINKS pagefor more information on other congregations.

What We Believe ...
We believe that the Bible is God-breathed and the Word of God is central to our life as a community.

Both Bible study and worship are crucial parts of our weekly gatherings. We gather for worship on Sunday mornings and Sunday nights, and for Bible classes on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights.

Worship to God must be in spirit and truth as commanded in the New Testament.
What You'll Find We Value ...
We value the example of the New Testament church by

a cappella singing
prayers offered in reverence & devotion
reading, studying God's Word
reflection of the scriptures
living out the story of Jesus' sacrifice each Sunday by participating in the Lord's Supper.

Public Reading of the Gospel - Dec 17 and Dec 18 starting at 6:30pm each day.Matthew and Mark will be read on Friday and Luke and John will be read on Saturday. Come out and hear The Word of God.
Our New preacher,Ben Mayis teaching thebook ofActs during our Wednesday Evening Bible Studies at 7 pm. Come out and learn how NOTHING CAN STOP THE WORD

RUMMAGE Give-Away 12 December following am and pm worship services. Bring all your used but still good items and allow someone else the opportunity to enjoy them.

CAROLING with the Christ Cadets will be on 19 December following Finger Food Fellowship

Monday Night for the Master isonthe 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month from 6-8pm. Come out and enjoy thesnacks, fellowship, and share in the work of the Lord. We are sending cards, calling, andANY otherwork that needs to be done.C U there!

POTLUCKOur monthly potlucks are normally held on the first Sunday of each month.
Please see our calendar for more details

MOVIE NIGHTMovie Night is scheduled for January 21st starting at 6:30pm. Come out, bring a friend, lawn chair, snacks & enjoy 'Movie Under The Stars!

FISHERS OF MEN This 12 week Person-To-Person Evangelism Training Course will be conducted at the Honolulu church of Christ starting January 3. SeeFLYER for more details.

TAI CHI with ColetteFriday Nights at 6:30pm.
FREE Lessons. Cometry it you might likeit.


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