Freshcoat Painting Hawaii is Hawaii's professional painting company! Quality painting services at reasonable prices.
Free Estimates & Consultation - call us today at (808) 425-9262.
We provide Oahu with residential and commercial painting services island-wide. Full-service interior and exterior painting services are done right the first time!
We are appropriately licensed and fully insured to ensure you that our Oahu painters are professional and are here to serve you.
Serving Hawaii's people for over 20 years, with over 3000+ residential and commercial projects completed, we have built our reputation for being Oahu's go-to painting company. We are here to serve you with any of your painting needs and the things in between. We offer the following services (but not limited to):
Interior Home Painting
Exterior House Painting
Lead Paint Removal
Commercial Painting Jobs
Outdoor Furniture Painting
Outdoor Wood Deck Staining
Wall Repair
Stucco Repair
Drywall Repair/Work
Faux Work
Wall Paper Removal
Popcorn Removal
Texture Matching
Minor To Medium Construction
Concrete Staining
Pressure Washing
and more (inquire within)…
Anything to do with fixing, retouching, or restoring surfaces on a building, we can do. From your single family home, condominium, office, store, warehouse, commercial building, to industrial sites, we are here to serve you.
We offer relatively competitive pricing and will work with your budget. But, we will never compromise our quality of work for the price paid. We strive to provide the best in quality no matter what.
Call us today at (808) 425-9262 for your free estimate and consultation. Or, you may learn more about us by visiting our secure website