The Hawaii Reproductive Center is an IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) clinic in Honolulu, Hawaii;a full scale infertility clinic on Oahu. The clinic specializes in all aspects of infertility therapy including egg donation and surrogacy. The clinic also specializes in state of the art laboratory procedures such as ICSI, assisted hatching, blastocyst culture and cryopreservation of sperm and embryos.
We hope that you find this website informative about our infertility clinic and IVF clinic in Honolulu. Each highlighted phrase or keyword in this website leads to further information about our IVF clinic and infertility clinic in Hawaii. Under the ART Services banner you can view information about many of our medical services offered including; egg donation, surrogacy and In Vitro Fertilization in Hawaii. Further information is found by clicking on the "process". Also under the ART Services banner you can review information about many of the embryology services offered including ICSI, assisted hatching, PGD, blastocyst culture and cryopreservation of sperm and embryos in Hawaii. The Hawaii Reproductive Center has particular expertise in egg donation and surrogacy.
We see patients from all over the world who choose to do their egg donation and surrogacy cycle with us in Hawaii. Our team has been pioneers in the development of egg donation and surrogacy. We take pride in the warm and personal care that we give. We look forward to helping you start or enlarge your family here at our infertility and IVF clinic in Honolulu. Mahalo!