Offering gentle acupuncture, herbal medicine, craniosacral therapy, and nutritional/dietary guidance for effective and comprehensive treatment of internal disorders, stress, and pain.
Sarah began her studies in Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1974 and has had the opportunity to focus on a number of different specialties over the years. She works on one patient at a time in a comprehensive style with the intent on finding the root cause of every health disorder. Her treatment approach is very individualized, and she utilizes a number of different therapeutic modalities and acupuncture styles, depending on the presentation of each patient.
Acupuncture is very well known for its success in the treatment of chronic pain syndromes, and is recognized by the World Health Organization to be extremely helpful in the management of chronic degenerative diseases. Acupuncture and herbs are successful in helping to regulate functional disorders of the internal organs, as well as the hormonal and nervous systems. Traditional Chinese Medicine has proven to be effective for many of the diseases for which western medicine has difficulty treating, such as chronic fatigue, immunological disorders, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, degenerative disorders, substance abuse, and of course, pain.