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Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat Center
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Dr. Maya Nicole Baylac - Residential nutritional programs, Fasting Retreats, Meditation & Spiritual Detoxification, Rest & Recovery.
Address17-502 Ipuaiwaha Street Keaau, HI 96749-8220
Phone(808) 982-8202
In the beginning of 2008 I did a 21 day fast and silent meditation retreat... It was the most challenging and most rewarding experience I have ever done. I went into deeply transformative spaces in body and psyche. The profound spiritual transformation is still fully present, reverberating through me as a continuous ecstatic undercurrent. In general, I feel reborn, renewed, fresh and bubbling, vibrantly alive and full of gratitude.

In 2006, I had arthritis. My knees kept swelling and I was in such pain that I could not walk.
... Not only did I get well, I also lost 40 lbs. I now feel fantastic. Without Dr. Baylac's knowledge I would have gotten worse. Today I am very happy and satisfied with my health..

Welcome to beautiful Hawaii to rejuvenate body & mind!

We have 2 retreat facilities on the Big Island, Hawaii.
The main one is in Keaau, close to Hilo. The second one is in Kapoho,
on the eastern tip of Hawaii, by the ocean - read more about it here:

In our desire to allow as many people as possible to benefit from this experience, we are keeping our prices affordable. Your cost will return manifold in well-being and saved medical cost.

Natural detoxification via raw foods & fasting is the quickest, most economical and efficient option possible, for deep body detoxification, weight loss, drug rehabilitation and healing of disease. Every disease heals better and quicker if you first go through an efficient toxin-removal program. Results are long-lasting.
Combined with complete rest and optimal nutrition, as well as psychotherapy and meditation, detox-induced healing is especially powerful.


... I spent thousands of dollars on treatments and supplements which gave me partial and temporary relief over years of efforts. I fasted for 10 days with Maya's guidance, wisdom and care. My pain steadily decreased. ... I feel so good that I have become a true believer in the power of living nutrition. ...


Deep Detoxification best prescription for longevity and good health
Why detoxify? ---- Americans & others are in a toxic crisis, we read in the news. E.g. read "Our bodies are being used as toxic chemical dumps". Americans have never been so toxic. Blood research have revealed hundreds of dangerous toxins even in childrens' blood. The first step in any plan towards health, vitality and happiness should always start with a natural detoxification.
Natural detoxification is easy
Your body is equipped with a fantastic detoxification system, but this system is usually overloaded every day with incoming toxins, from the air, from drinks, from medical drugs, from food you eat. Your body never gets a chance to clean out! Help your body to detoxify through natural RAW DETOX, preferably several times a year.

Come to Mind Your Body for serious diseases
To be able to heal any disease, your body needs a clean internal environment. Your blood has to be healthy and free of toxins, otherwise your vitality will be too low for recovery. Drugs are toxic. Instead of adding more drugs to your tired & damaged body, you need to rest and heal, to finally get rid of your toxins and diseases. Drugs & lousy foods make you weak, but detoxification & good nutrition will make you strong, and allow your body to become healthy again.
Come to Mind Your Body for weight loss & addictions
When you body is toxic and suffering, your mind is also suffering, and addictions are hard to break. A deficient body will crave good nutrition, which you translate into cravings for tobacco, alcohol, drugs or junk foods. When your body is healthy, toxin-free and well-fed, it is much easier to break addictions, much easier to work with your mind.
Come to Mind Your Body to learn how to detoxify
It is best to learn hands-on detoxification while at an experienced retreat. In the beginning you'll need help to understand what happens, when the detox symptoms start. You must learn to recognize these symptoms and welcome them, and not confuse them with disease symptoms. We are experts at this, and will help you. We will also teach you how to heal and detoxify your mind, e.g. via individual psychotherapeutic counseling by Dr. Baylac.

At our retreat you can detoxify with fresh young coconut juice - it is a delicious, raw Hawaiian treat, & a fantastic source of valuable electrolytes.

Other activities: Individual counseling, psychotherapy.
During water fasts: Resting and contemplation is the main focus. Daily mini-checkups. Meditation & journaling recommended. Optional: Skin brushing, sun bathing, praying.
During juice-diets & raw food detox: Resting & relaxing & healing is the main focus here as well. Daily mini-checkups. Meditation & journaling recommended. Live food preparation, life style change consultations, raw detox, raw food diet, juicing, exercise. Optional: yoga, singing, laughing, crying, circling, dancing, drawing, painting, nature walks, and swimming.

All fasts & raw diets are supervised, and all psychotherapy conducted by Maya Nicole Baylac, N.D., psychotherapist since 1966. She is the founder and director of Mind Your Body, Hawaii Raw Detoxification Retreat and Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat Center Inc. in Hawaii.

Our patients have enjoyed a beautiful spectacle from the Kilauea Volcano in 2008, with the glow from the eruptions being visible from the retreat.
Read more here

Volcano Update - Oct. 2008 ...
After a few months of absence Pele, our Volcano Godess is manifesting her presence again with splendor. She is now flowing to the sea in a lava tube and giving us a magnificent firework show when meeting with the water. The plumes at the ocean have been spectacular to watch and totally safe.
Not only we have a firework show of lava, but we are upwind with the trade winds blowing from the northeast and we are not experiencing any vog (volcanic sulfer mixing with the air) on the east side of the island.
Come visit our tropical oasis and experience the beauty of Pele, the volcano goddess, and how she is creating earth right before our eyes. This is an amazing experience that can only be observed here on the Big Island of Hawaii.
Watch the fire that can never be put out, even by the sea!

"The heart is an adventurer, the explorer of the mysteries, the discoverer of all that is hidden.
The heart is always on a pilgrimage. It is never satisfied, it has an innermost discontent.
It never settles anywhere. It is very much in love with movement, with dynamism."
Bhagwan Shree Rajnesh: Mojud the Man with the Inexplicable Life. An ancient Sufi story.

Director Dr. Maya Nicole Baylac, psychotherapist & ND, is fluent in English, French & Spanish.

For the latest recipes, pictures, dinner demos and other happenings - read our BLOG


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