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Welcome to my web site, and thank you for visiting.
I have tried to make my web site useful, not only to tell you about my services and credentials, but to also provide lots of helpful information about the economy, taxes, and the markets.
You might also want to read my letter to former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan where I ask why the Federal Reserve intentionally slows the economy to reduce inflationary pressures by raising interest rates, which only punishes investors and anyone else trying to save for retirement or their children's education. This dysfunctional body treats the U.S. economy like it was a big lab experiment with absolutely no academic research that its methods work. Simultaneously, the Fed ignores M2 money supply, which is more responsible for inflation than economic growth and productivity.
New page on academic research - What academia has discovered in the field of investing and how we can profit from their efforts. (Check back frequently. More is being added all the time.)
Hobbyist Investors - Is this you? If so, you are a walking disaster waiting to happen!!