Visit Harbor Mall Located at Nawiliwili Harbor right across from Kalapaki Beach. We are your travel destination for Kauai shopping, fine dining and souveniers. We also have Clothing boutiques, aloha wear, snacks, gifts, tattoos, books, hair and nail salons and even a spa. Restaurants include Market Street Diner American Food, Gingbua Thai Food, Mariachi's Mexican food, Kalapaki Joes Sports Grill, Trader Joy's Market & Cafe Health Food, and Tahina's Tasy Treats. Our free shuttle bus runs all day whenever there's a cruise ship in dock.
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Market Street Diner, Mariachi's
Mexican Food, Gingbua Thai Food, Kalapaki Joe's Sports Grill, Tahina's Tasty Treats, Trader Joy's Market & Cafe.
Beach Rail Toys, Hobbies, Collectables, Beachrail, Lionel Trains, Thomas the Tank Engine, Yong's Aloha Fashion, Blue Hawaiian Helicopter Tours, Julia's Beauty Salon, Laua'e Lagoon Boutique, Silhoettes Clothing, Garden Island Tattoo, Pacific Audio Kauai, San Lorenzo Bikinis, Internet Cafe, Pacific Rim Book Company, Julia's Beauty Salon, Me Time Day Spa, Blue Hawaiian Helicopter Tours